, Lang Ferdinand

Summerparty - 03. Sept. 2022

As every year, the summer festival at Konradhof is themed "International Buffet".

All households in Wallisellen South will again be made aware of the festival with a flyer. As requested at the GV, we try this year with the app "Wer-Bringt-Was" a way to turn 7 lemon cakes (I love those things!) and 3 Hörnli salads (mmmmh!) into even greater variety. Participation is of course voluntary. The main thing is that we have a happy and cozy party!

Here's the who-brought-what: https://werbringtwas.com/poll/12f7cdf


We are still looking for helpers! Please contact info@qv-wallisellen-sued.ch if you can help us with the set-up or dismantling or with the buffet. Thank you!